My Journey Beyond the Hype of Microservices

11 months ago | reading time 3 min
Software Development Software Architecture Microservices
Wise Developer

As a software developer in the constantly evolving tech landscape, I once viewed microservices as the ultimate solution to all architectural problems. However, my journey through various projects has taught me that this isn't always the case. I've learned the hard way that microservices aren't the one-size-fits-all solution they're often touted to be.

Falling for the Microservices Hype

My initial encounter with microservices was filled with enthusiasm. The idea of breaking down a complex application into smaller, independently deployable services seemed revolutionary. Inspired by the success stories of tech giants, I was convinced that microservices were the key to scalability, flexibility, and efficiency.

Facing the Realities

However, reality hit when I actually implemented them. The complexity of managing multiple services soon became apparent. Issues like inter-service communication, data consistency, and the need for a robust infrastructure were more challenging than I had anticipated. I underestimated the costs and overestimated the ease of deployment, leading to extended timelines and strained resources.

A Misguided One-Size-Fits-All Approach

In retrospect, I realize that the industry's, and my own, infatuation with microservices led to a somewhat blind adoption. In some projects, a simpler monolithic architecture or a hybrid model would have been more appropriate. This misalignment between the chosen architecture and the project needs often resulted in reduced efficiency and productivity.

Embracing Balance and Adaptability

My experiences have taught me that the essence of effective software architecture is not in following trends but in finding balance. It's crucial to assess the specific needs of a project and choose an architecture that aligns with those needs. Sometimes, the simplicity of a monolith is exactly what a project requires.

The Best Advice: Start with a Strong Monolith

The best advice I can offer is to never start with microservices; begin by creating and improving your monolith. As a wise colleague once said, "Before doing bad microservices, you need a good monolith." Despite my initial enthusiasm for microservices, this is where Domain-Driven Design (DDD) comes into play. By defining and splitting domains, you can identify specific areas where microservices can genuinely benefit your application.

Understanding Distributed Systems and Failures

In a distributed system, expect failures. Robust error handling and monitoring are obvious necessities, but there’s more to it. By deliberately putting your system in a state of failure, you can assess whether you have a true microservices architecture or a distributed monolith. If the failure of one service blocks others from working, it's a clear sign that you don’t have a microservice architecture but a distributed monolith.


My journey with microservices has been a path of learning and realignment. Microservices, while powerful, are not a universal solution. As I move forward in my career, my focus is on choosing the right tool for each job, rather than chasing the allure of a single architectural style. This balanced approach, which includes starting with a strong monolithic base and understanding the intricacies of distributed systems, has led me to more successful, sustainable, and effective software development.


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