How to Choose the Right Backend Architecture

10 months ago | reading time 6 min
Domain Driven Design Software Development Software Architecture Microservices Programming Best Practices Development Strategies

Hey there! Today, I want to chat about something that's been a big part of my coding life: backend architectural patterns. If you're like me, you've probably found yourself lost in this maze more than once. So, let's break it down, shall we?

Modern Backend in 2023

10 months ago | reading time 5 min
Software Development Software Architecture PHP Backend Future Tech Innovation Insight Modern Dev Trends

2023 is coming to an end, and it's the perfect time to chat about what modern backend development really is. In a nutshell, it's about building the powerhouse of apps and websites with the latest tech. We're talking about cool trends like microservices – tiny, independent units making your apps super flexible. There's also serverless computing, which is like having magic at your fingertips, handling all the server stuff so you don't have to. And APIs? They’re like secret tunnels that let different apps communicate. Plus, we’ve got the latest in Docker, Kubernetes, AI, and cloud-native development. It's not just about coding in Python, JavaScript, or Go, but also about the new frameworks that are changing the game. We’ll also dive into how DevOps and CI/CD can make life as a coder way smoother, and why keeping your data safe is more important than ever. This article is a fun, friendly guide to all that and more. It's for anyone curious about backend tech in 2023, and I promise it’s as exciting as it sounds!

You Will Never Be Fully Secured with PHP

10 months ago | reading time 4 min
Docker Security Risks Security PHP PHP Application Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities Cybersecurity

In the evolving world of software development, security remains a paramount concern, especially when dealing with financial data. A reflection on past experiences reveals insightful lessons, particularly regarding the use of PHP in web development. While PHP offers ease of use and quick development turnaround, it inherently possesses certain security vulnerabilities that are crucial for developers to understand. This article delves into these challenges, underscoring the importance of vigilance in the realm of web security.